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Product formFlame

Flame - 4VOX

  • HP: 29

Quad Polyphonic Wavetable Oscillator The 4Vox is a quad wavetable oscillator with up to four voices per VCO channel, resultingin... Read more Read more



      Quad Polyphonic Wavetable Oscillator

      The 4Vox is a quad wavetable oscillator with up to four voices per VCO channel, resulting
      in a maximum of 16 voices at four individual outputs. Due to a MIDI input the module can
      be played both with CVs or/and directly via MIDI - MIDI allows for modulating some addi-
      tional parameters. There are 39 memory locations for wavetables and 32 patches for all
      global and VCO parameters.
      The parameters of a wavetable can be controlled by CVs and by MIDI. For instance you
      can morph through a wavetable with a CV, a MIDI controller or manually with the potentio-
      meter. The range of waves within a wavetable can be selected by minimum and maximum
      values individually per voice which allows for creating more complex morphs.
      Further controllable parameters are Detune, Semitone, Octave, Chord, Portamento,
      Amplitude and Amp Move (90 degrees phase shifted volume modulation of a VCO's 4 voi-
      ces). Min and max values can be selected for those parameters as well. Via MIDI it's pos-
      sible to control further parameters (notes, chords, pitch bend, patch selection and waveta-
      ble selection)
      The VCOs can be played analog (frequency by Pitch CV input), monophonic via MIDI or
      4-voice polyphonic via MIDI.
      The VCO can be used as a voltage controllable LFO with 3 modes: LOOP, ONE SHOT and
      GATED. The SYNC input is used to trigger/reset the LFO. In ONE SHOT mode the LFO
      can be used as a trigger delay, too (SYNC = trigger in, GATE = trigger output, PITCH =
      delay time).
      Each VCO has an analog 1V/octave input including a fine tune control (+/-1 semitone) and
      pitch control (approx. 10 octaves), two freely assignable CV inputs, two freely assignable
      potentiometers, a trigger input for Sync/LFO-reset as well as a Gate and VCO/LFO output
      All global parameters and also the VCO's setings can be named and saved as a non-vola-
      tile patch by the user (32 patch memory locations are available).
      The display can show a graphic of the selected waveforms.
      Software/wavetable updates are easy possible via MIDI sysex dump.

      - 39x 16bit wavetables, each with 64 waveforms
      - VCO/LFO modi
      - 32 user patches for VCO settings
      - MIDI input
      - 4x pitch inputs
      - 8x CV inputs (individual programable)
      - 4x sync/reset inputs
      - 4x gate outputs
      - 4x VCO/LFO outputs
      - 16 potentiometers
      - graphic display
      - size: 3U eurorack module, 29HP wide

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