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Product formInstruo

Instruo - Arbhar

  • HP: 18

Description Arbhar heralds a new generation of granular processing in Eurorack. Sampled audio can be chopped into tiny grains, scattered, shaped,... Read more Read more




      Arbhar heralds a new generation of granular processing in Eurorack. Sampled audio can be chopped into tiny grains, scattered, shaped, re-pitched, reversed, and layered for an endless range of audio manipulation from seamless frozen tones to mutated acousmatic madness. Each grain sounds with its defined specifications. When modulation is used, the “per-grain parameter” definition allows for true polyphonic layering.

      Featuring a condenser microphone set into the front panel, built-in audio analysis for automatic sampling, and internal modulation over various parameters; this is truly a granulator like no other.

      Introducing the world for the first time to the Dr Lexer methodology of granular processing.

      It is as the old saying goes … “Nicht verzagen, Lexer fragen”.


      • Granular processor (Lexer method)
      • Two granular engines available simultaneously:
        1. controlled by intensity and grain length settings (up to 24 grains)
        2. externally triggered grains (up to 20 grains)
      • Manual and automatic playhead control for granular textures and time stretched audio playback (Scan/Follow mode)
      • Sampling wavetable oscillator
      • 6 sample buffers (10 second record time each)
      • Built in condenser microphone
      • Dedicated analogue input pre-amplifier
      • Audio onset analysis for automatic capture control
      • LED display for amplitude, length, scan, spray
      • Trigger out
      • Forward/Reverse grain playback probability control
      • Internal random/quantised pitch modulation
      • 1V/OCT cv pitch control
      • Dynamic grain windowing
      • Included 2HP CV expander for additional CV controlSize

      Depth: 42mm


      +12V: 210mA
      –12V: 30mA

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