The SAMPLYR module is a sample player module, that plays sample files from a microSD card.
The samples are simple 8-bit mono WAV files. Features of the module are:
- CV control for pitch with 1V/octave
- Gate input
- NO (practical) LENGTH LIMIT for the sample playback, because the module plays the samples directly from the memory card
- Sample is displayed on the included OLED display
- For each sample, following playback parameters can be edited: Sample start/end, loop start/end, loop crossfade, transpose/tune, all this settings are visible in the display and are saved per sample
- Different loop modes can be selected: Oneshot, Reverse, Loop forward/reverse/alternating, loop hold (loop remains playing when gate goes to off)
- Editing of the different parameters is accomplished with an endless encoder and a small menu
- CV control for playback start, loop start, loop length, reverting playback, sample selection
- Six buttons can be used for quick switching between six samples of the current folder
- Additionally to the audio output, the SAMPLYR provides trigger outputs for loop start point, loop end point, playback end; by this, certain other operations can be triggered at these specific points, e.g. synchronizing to the loop points.
...and all this in a 1 unit AE module!
The sample files are organized as simple folders on the micro SD card named "A"..."Z" and per folder files named "0....wav, 1....wav, ..."
Included with the module is a micro-SD card with some demo samples; and each buyer will receive an update for the factory samples, made by the sound designer "empty vessel" exclusively for the SAMPLYR module (provided as download later this year).
The SAMPLYR module is of course not a hi-fi, high quality sampler module due to its 8-bit design. It has the flavour of the early samplers like EMU II, Fairlight CMI IIx, Ensoniq Mirage... The typical, recommended sample rate is 16000 Hz. these samples can be pitched up by approx. 1 1/2 octaves max.
Beyond the 8-bit resolution, the samples can be also encoded as uLaw and aLaw; in this case, the resolution is true 10 bits. For converting your existing samples, the open-source audio editor "Audacity" is great for the conversion and editing process.
Note: The SAMPLYR module is a sample player only; it doesn't offer recording of audio.
Shipping of the SAMPLYR module will start mid-August 2023 estimated.
You can find more information about this module (soon) on the AE Modular Wiki.